Thursday, May 27, 2010


Happy Vesak day everyone! Wishing all of you to be a better child of God..

What's going on with my life so far?
On 25th May, I reached the exact 1 year of working life in Singapore, with great bosses and wonderful colleagues, believe it or not, I haven't had a blue day. I love the place I am in. Well, it kept me busy, even Sherina is starting to grow apart from me, because sometimes I wouldn't see her for the whole entire week. When I reached home, she is already asleep. Within the days I didn't see her, she is learning a whole lot of other cute stuffs.

Baby girl? She has kept herself occupied playing with the kids at home, doing her own lazying around. I only have time for her on the weekend, which I spent 24 hours with her, wherever I go.

Hmm... Gotta go bathe the babe. See ya guys around~

Monday, May 10, 2010

Blue day...

Felt so blue today, upon reaching home to find that Mom is not here. The house is quiet once again, need to adjust again, hate the feeling so much. With Mom here, I have been busy catching up with her. So fast, she has been here for a month and none of us realised it. Everyone got a touch of her warmth, so it felt like something is missing. Poor Mom, she has to juggle 2 countries, luckily Bro is 7 hours away and she hates long flights.

Ahhh... hate this feeling!