Bro's best men have been decided, Mr Mad Guy, Alex and Johnson. Never met the Johnson guy before! But we are going to be entertained by Mr Mad Guy and Alex definitely, lol!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Super excited!!
Bro's best men have been decided, Mr Mad Guy, Alex and Johnson. Never met the Johnson guy before! But we are going to be entertained by Mr Mad Guy and Alex definitely, lol!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Photography NO NO!!!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Huh wad??
I have my fair or sometimes not so fair share of losing friends. I believe as friends, especially close ones, the ones that have been together through ups and downs, through tears and laughters, there shouldnt be any prohibition. I believe in direct confrontation and fight it out, if we made it out, we will be stronger than ever. Yet, if we don't, we just don't, at least we knew why we grew apart. Look at those that stays by my side, man.. we are so comfortable with each other and we knew the darkest secret of each other yet we still love each other that much.
There are some friends that took me so much for granted and thought I will always be there when they needed me. Remember this, I never needed you in my life. Being nice is just me being me. I will not try to please anybody. I will not go around asking everybody why are you mad at me or whatever. If you want to walk away, I will smile and say goodbye. *shrugs*
Friday, October 18, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sometimes all we need
Having a highly sociable brother, I used to hang out with his buddies, be one of the guys. I learned to pick guitar, played badminton, watched and cheered at soccer match at the bars with pints of beer, played WE and Tekken with the lousiest lad of them all just for a good laugh. Watch movie marathon and have sleepovers. Almost dated his buddies, ALMOST!! But I just didn't, as I felt they are all my brothers. Being with the guys was good, always protected like a princess. Hearing them kiss and tell was an eye opener and sometimes I felt I know just what's on their mind even before they opened their mouth.
Being one of the guys was cool, no drama, they beat drama out of the box right away. No guessing, no that time of the month, no backstabs, no gossips, all damn so peaceful.
Maybe because I was young and I simply have that dont care attitude. I loved that fuss free life, especially after a horrible fallout with my best girlfriends back at Secondary School.
Now I have my girls, both back in Oz and right here at this little island of Singapore. I am glad to have them to bitch about anything under the sun and not just from inside the tv box. I am glad that when I broke my heart, they give me a hug, bring me out for a good drink and not just a move on pat at the back. I am thankful that I have people to dramatically talk about the same damn thing over and over again, like all over again when we met and still goddamn enjoy it. I am glad to have my girls to be my gaydar. I am glad I have my girls to talk about being fat, boobs and hunks! Apart from that, I am glad to have my girls who didnt have to try to be nice. I am glad to have my girls who didnt try to hide the facts. I am glad to have my girls who didnt have to keep in touch yet we pick up like we didnt meet for a day. I am glad to have my girls who didnt mind what I wear, what brand I have and how much pocket money I have.
Just so glad, so glad...!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Feeling blessed...
Sunday, August 25, 2013
To all the Mothers out there
You said, they hinder your way to a great job, great career, late nights out with friends, freedom, great body. You said, you have no time to make up, no time for a me time, no time for everything else except your children.
Well, no child asked to be in your womb, to be born by you, they are God given. Well of course, you have the option not to have sex, but since you did, you jolly well be responsible for whatever that might comes out of it. Whether it is to test your limit or to bring you to be a better person, to pay your karma debt, or to drive you to your grave, they are your responsibilities.
If you are not ready to be a mother, then don't be, stay single, have your fun, go high all you want every second of your life, travel by foot, crawl or swim across the Atlantic and nobody will give a hoot. Since you opted this path to be a mother, be good one. Be there for your child. You can be a business woman or a career woman, but be a successful one. That means you have to have a great career and a happy family, if you failed on either one, especially a neglected family, you have failed big time.
Maybe looking at how my Mother raised us, I have a big expectations of how a Mother should behave. I think she is perfect in every single way. She wakes up the earliest and will be the last to sleep. I have never in my life wakes up earlier than her. My Mother doesn't swear. She doesn't show half her boobs or half her ass around. No matter how life gets tough for her, she never once took it out on us. That's when I realized that my Mother is the family's pillar of strength.
My Daddy is not an easy person, in terms of character; he is headstrong, omygod so stubborn. Mom is the one who has to deal with him the most. Mom stayed patient and patient and patient. Never once my Mom complained about Dad, never did she ever try to make us respect Dad any lesser. Then, I realised, the strong respect we have for both our parents is because we learned the deep respect they have for each other. This made us respect both of them even more. The family stayed on strong, despite of penniless or pennifull, because of my Mom. I often think I am the family's clown as I make the most noise, sings ba ba black sheep for no reason and makes Daddy laugh. After I grow older, looking at Mom, I am so sure she is our "開心果". Only because she stays cheerful all the time, we get to enjoy her vibe and follow on. In our house, I now recall, at the age of 28, I have never heard my parents shouting at each other. I have never heard a single vulgar uttered at home. The house is always always at peace. I can't imagine the turmoils my Mother, as the greatest Mother, held it all in, stayed sane and loving to all of us 3 children. You can't imagine, my Mother, as gentle as she is, stayed strong and true to what she thinks is best for us. You can't imagine, my Mother, as soft as she is, caned us to our feet when we are not behaving. No, I don't think caning is cruel, it is only cruel when it is used to vent your anger and not in the means to teach a lesson.
My Mother has an important rule that we abide by everyday of our life when we were staying with her (my brother and I left to study abroad after we ended Primary school). I used to wonder why we stayed so close as a family despite being constantly afar from each other, we picked up like we never been apart when we met.
Then I had a vivid memory of our time together each and every night for more than 10 years. Every dinner time, we had to be sure to have dinner together at 7pm. No matter where my Dad goes, he has to be back by 7. If he wasn't back, we will wait for him. If he was showering by 7, we sat down and waited. Dad has to have the first plate of rice, first start eating, for us to be able to start eating. That was an unspoken rule. This simple act of dinner, now I know is very very important. This is the only time we, as a family, after a busy day of working and studying, got to be together, to speak, to laugh, or just enjoy a quiet time, together, as a whole, all 5 of us. This is the time, Mom and Dad passed on their life stories, life values and all the things they repeat day in, day out as a summary. That is a minimum 1 hour each day for 12 years or so we spent together. How difficult it is for an hour a day to spent with our loved ones?
My Mother, always taught us to love, never to hate. Even when others have been mean to us, even when we have been wronged for things we never did, even when people misjudged us, misunderstood us, even when our other closest people forsake us and even when people wanted us to suffer for nothing. Mom told us always, don't hate, never hate. It makes me want to cry because I wanted so much like her not to hate and it pains me so much to see how people could try to hurt someone like her. My mother, she is wise and smart. When I have a 100 questions for her, she has 101 answers and advice ready for me, so that I will never go wrong. She is all about forgiveness and love. If only when I am a Mother, I can be half as good as her, my children will be the luckiest kid in the world, like we are.
For the modern Mothers out there:
Get away from the smart phones, as simple as that.
Stop complaining about your children are your burden, they are God given and remember, God can take them away from you anytime. Cherish the time you have with them.
Kids grow up very fast, there will be one moment soon, you will miss what you have missed, so take the time now not to miss out their milestones.
Listen to them, see what they see, look into their eyes as you speak.
Be patient, talk to them, answer them patiently.
Good luck dear all Mothers...
Sunday, August 4, 2013
A new unstoppable addiction...
Don't remember how and who added me into that auction site and before I knew it, I was hooked. I crashed and burn in that auction site. Man....
Well, ever since the Pawglam episode, I really despised local designers. Well, not all, but you get the gist. Or rather I should say, I avoid local designers. They should learn to be humble and most of all, learn to love their designs. I met the nicest designers across the ocean at US and apparently dug up all the contacts I (miraculously) kept back from OZ time. Wonder how I had those and lost April's birth cert from her breeder. Ugh..!!
I learned to fall in love all over again with April's clothes. After throwing away a whole wardrobe of winter clothing when we moved here, I vowed never to buy anymore. Since the standard of clothes over here is simply rub to the bish! Even going all the way to BKK, I only bought pathetic 2 pieces, which are so-so, and I bought them simply because I just can't leave BKK empty handed.
Have always loved laces and tutus, bought many many of them already. LOL... somebody help!!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Bye bye $$$
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Causeway Exchange - George Town Festival
Spot my photo here! Picture shared from Shifu's Flicker
Hmm... Is this the right way to credit him? Is he gonna kill me if he find this blog?
Happy Anniversary CanCan Baby
It took me a long long while to actually figure out what the freak those buttons can do. Heck, I didn't even know how to focus. I spent days mulling over this alien machine and all the thousand pictures I took were either black, blur or both. Seriously in such a short days, I was on the verge of giving up. Then, seeing my agony, Sis bought me a Groupon class. Or rather I MADE her buy with all the whining.
Thank God for it, I found my Shifu Wilson Wong US, catch his website here It has been 2 years! I remembered the first question I asked him was, "Why my shutter just wouldn't click?". I am probably one of the laziest student he ever had, but he has always encouraged me with all the SPIN posts (do join us there), never failing to share his expertise with his own quirky ways. One photography walk after another, I find myself deleting one picture after another as I see them not up to my standard, definitely not up to Shifu's standard. Yet, I learned to never give up, keep on practicing, learn to respect my own work and learned that one does not need to have the best machine to produce a great work. Super thankful and grateful to find a mentor like him. Appreciate all the hard work he put in to guide us newbies and I have always said he is like an energizer bunny who never stopped to rest, he really is.
I have come a long way, but there is definitely a longer way to go to improve myself. I have been lucky as I have most-of-the-time willing models to practice on, such as my nephew and niece and of course my little photogenic baby girl, April. Also has been lucky to have great photography friends (you know who you are) who never stinged on sharing their knowledge with me, answering my stupid questions and some who always asked me to buy buy buy !!!
P.S. Before I get hate PMs (seriously I don't know why, but I always get it, especially on Facebook).
Take note that pictures below are some of my favorites, definitely ain't the best for some of you experts, but I love them and it's all that matters. See how I have improved, yay!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Siblings fight?
My parents run a restaurant back home and recently my Mom was asked by a very disturbed customer, a father, about his own kids. He said his kids are always fighting, about who gets to drive the better car down to who buys a better phone. Like us, they are 3 siblings. He said if one of them coincidentally got better stuff than the other, they would fight. Literally fight due to the unfairness. Mom was surprised they are at their 20s. This father was worried when he died, the siblings would break out in fight of his inheritance. I have a strong feeling they might, they just might.
Mom asked me if I ever got this jealousy feeling with my sister and brother. It got me recalled back to our childhood.
Our family had not much money to spare back then. Well, I am the luckiest as being the youngest, I was born into a family that was getting better. I didnt remember the difficult life for the most parts.
I remembered though how Mom bought things for us but she never did buy for all of us at once. Most of the times only one of us get new thing at one time. I get passed down handphones, clothes, watches from my sister. Nope, I honestly never thought it's unfair. Mom taught us never to be envious of others. She would patiently talked to us, reminding us of the life values that we should fight for and not these artificial values.
Till today, we siblings give the best to each other. They are the closest people in my life. Why wouldnt they have the best from me? Who would have the heart to see their siblings fell downer anf felt happy? That's just utterly sick and selfish.
I remembered still a few years ago, me being me, asked Dad for an iPhone. I had just started work back then. I told Dad, you see everybody at work has it. Everybody got a new iphone and I dont. Dad shot me a look and he said simply in Hokkien, "No money then dont try to show off". Brought me back to earth that word did.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
PawGlam Collar Episode
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Felt really helpless when a dear dear friend is so stubbornly err... stubborn. Nothing, that means nothing would ever change their mind. It's as if she had everything under control, when it's clear that she doesn't. Sometimes I thought I would just walk away. I have done it before to friends who just can't be helped, and I would do it again. It's better to watch from afar the breaking down process than to see it under my nose, you see. Picking up the pieces ain't a pretty sight, you know? I have tried to be nicely honest, even brutally honest, yet they just don't work.
The way she asked for opinions wasn't even asking. She was just wanting to hear what she wanted to hear. When the answer isn't what she liked, she brushed it aside. Without even considering whether it's the truth. As much as would like to be there for her, my patience has its limit. Maybe it's just time to walk away....
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
It's really not you...
When you are looking at my posts, if you think I was writing about you, I am probably not. Though if you feel offended, there's nothing I can do about it. Take all my posts with a pinch of salt, if you want clarification, come ask me. There's probably nothing I wouldn't say. If I can say it out behind your back, you have probably heard it before anyway...
Chiao~ Remember, salt!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Seriously, people....
Anyway, I think she got what I meant when she actually apologized and acknowledged that she has blurted things out before thinking. This post is meant to all of you who think a pet is just a pet. My pets mean the same thing to me as my family. A part of me will be lost, too if I lost them. Get it?
Monday, April 22, 2013
Just had it....
One of the most depressing day of my life. Coco girl has gone to the rainbow bridge. A sweet girl whom I got to know her real temperament only at her home. Coco is feisty, active and very much a princess at home. Outside, Coco preferred to stick with Mommy and sit on her lap. Didn't expect her to go so fast. Saw her just last week and totally has a high hope of her recovering well. Coco is beautiful up to her last moment, she kept on fighting and somehow stayed alert during her illness.
I felt just really bad for not being there for Lydia when Coco passed on at the vet. Our hearts may tear, for Lydia and Uncle Bert, their hearts bleed. Nothing will ever be the same anymore. At their home, Coco is everywhere. Whatever they do for Coco, whatever decision made, they are out of love and nothing else.
Can't stop imagining how it would be like if it comes the time for April to go and it hurts so bad. Though proud to see those who came to bid goodbye to Coco. Despite what personal grievance we might have for each other, we came, respectfully, for Coco. I know when the time comes for April, we will all still be here for each other.
Came home, straightaway to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair. Came out and hugged April baby, thanking her for just being alive.
Dear Coco girl, run free, be the most beautiful angel and watch over all of us, especially your Mommy and Daddy...
Friday, April 5, 2013
Downside of this dog world
What's the use of feeding raw if your dogs are not given happiness from exercise, walking and running daily. I think my baby girl is happiest and most sated when she is tired from our walk, our run or just frolicking on the grass. If you are afraid your dogs will get hot, dirty, ticks or fleas, that's your choice. I respect your choice as I think you think you are doing the best for your dogs.
I sacrificed my girl's long coat for her safety and comfort. As I think she is beautiful inside out, no matter if she is in short or long coat. She is beautiful in my eyes, I don't care if others don't think so. Their judgement doesn't matter at all. What I want is her to be happy and carefree, she is already 9, I think she deserved it.
Why does training our dogs with treats is considered cruel? I can bet that my girl or any other dogs are not starved when doing this training. That's why treats are given and not kibbles, you moron! They could have just eaten a fulfilling plate of meat and they will still progress with their training flawlessly. My girl could even do her tricks without treats now and would just be as happy with my praises and lots of hugs and kisses. They are happy to be working.
Last but not least, the ones who liked to show off their branded dogs items. Everybody know how your dogs wardrobe looks like and what accessories they have. They aren't cheap, we know. But, when it comes to their health, are you even half as generous as you are when you bought that newest LV collar?
Think about it... I have enough of such people around me....
Friday, February 1, 2013
RIP Boys...
For once, Singaporean showed me a great unity, no stone throwing, but a calm, full show of respect for the victims and parents.
Nigel and Donovan, RIP boys, you both will be in a greater hands in heaven. Look after your parents, visit them in their dreams once in a while to let them know you are doing just fine.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Stress??? Whatt..???
Asked myself on my way home if I am under a lot of stress. Not sure if I know what stress really meant. Well, pressures, disturbing thoughts, I think most of us will have it. However, to what extent will it be considered too much? For someone like me to be under stress is a little unbelievable, I laugh all the time, do crazy stunts, say too much sarcastic jokes, who will know? I don't even know, I can't even tell. Well, a colleague recently said, maybe I am not unhappy with my life, but neither am I happy.
Well, I think many people will have the same feeling, life is mundane, boring even. Wake up early, think about work, come back late and sleep. Everyday is just waiting for the weekend to come. Weekend if it isn't hanging out with friends, it's catching up with the resting time.
Then, what is life?
Friday, January 18, 2013
Talent doesnt come easy
" For some people, talent comes free. For some people, it must be bought with money, sweat and blood. Just like the majority of people, the free stuffs are always being taken for granted. Being a singer and liking to sing is an entirely different entities. Once something you like to do becomes a job, it changes shape into a burden, a pressure, a full blown stress machine. "
He said he constantly had to improve and while he is young now, he has to make himself well known enough to last him in his senior years. That is when he no longer can perform, but to be known enough to be sought after to coach the younger generation. That is making sense of his current work craze. He is restricted in time, food, friends, love life and life itself.
Well, recently I have gotten the chance to take a picture for an event for a friend, 3 hours straight of picture taking. With responsibility of taking decent pictures, making sure what needed to be taken is taken. I came home tired as hell. I remembered during the 3 hours I grew impatient, tired of taking pictures, something that as a hobby, I love it like hell. In the middle of it, I just wanted to go to hell with it, of course I was still burdened with my hangover from the night before, but really the feeling wasn't that good. Work is still work, I guess... Haha!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
21 days ago at Aquanova
Can you decipher them?
Yup here i am half high half low. Typing super fast on my iphone. Its super! Watching super hot girls with super sleazy men. N super sleazy men walking aroung asking girls to danxe. Waitng to see whos drunk enoimgj to be brouhjt home. The band is uper hith love it! Helloq nightlofe. M. It's i loce rock n roll now. !!!!!! Saw a gurl in a prety gown. I funno why. Hehe. All i knoe os inloveroxk n rolll!!!! The girl songer loll lole some dj. Lopez or wad. Lil. The huys hanging lver protectively over their girlfriend. The gf hanging on loke he will be lost to the rhthlmg gurating Read: rhythm gyrating girls. Hehehehe trie dto fix my one up one down eyelash in the toilet. The girls here are swaying, or am i? I dunno. Anyway, i looked the same as i came on 2 mins ago. So here i am. Well at 1 am nobody nothes about wad jphn lollona is sintkng rverybody kisy move to their own misic which ks fascinaying Read: nobody notices about wad John Mollina is singing, everybody just move to their own music which is fascinating!!!!her ei am dancing subconsciously wishing it will burn off mu 1 kg at leasy. But woth yhe amouy of hard liquor im drownong teying to drown mu soorrow, i dunthink so. Hejjehjejejejeke
Started off quite well and it just gotten slurrier in the end. I don't even remember typing all those down on my phone! Ha!