Saturday, May 14, 2011

August Rush

Just done rewatching August Rush, it reminds me of how talent works in this world. Some are born with it, yet never been acknowledged, while some are hard groomed with hard cash to shine no matter what. While some seriously have the luck of money, people affinity and all other things lucky, they got famous.

There are just some people on TV that I thought, why on earth are they on TV in the first place? Mediocre performance, millions of people are better than that, yet they didn't get famous. In the end, I brushed it off with well, it's their luck.

August Rush reminds me of a video I watched before. From my thinking, this girl probably had very musically talented and famous parents, who abandoned her after she was born handicapped. Explaining her musically talented genes. Her hands moved as if someone put her on a puppet string, flew smoothly and perfectly. Unbelievable!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

On GE... again...

Looks like the GE fever has not subsided yet. People all around Singapore are still talking about it, grumbling even. I think what makes me interested in this GE is that I have listened to the agonies of Singaporeans being a Singaporean. Countless numbers of taxi drivers have complained of the bloody exact same things and God knows the amount of taxi I took. It's scary in here and when the people on top don't realize what the people down there are suffering and slowly dying.

Who am I to say? I am just a foreigner in Singapore, my PR is given by PAP. Although I would say that my concerns for Singapore's growth is more than what some of my ''Native" Singaporean friends had. Right from Secondary school I am here, I heard them saying they could not wait to leave and migrate to another country. I remembered distinctly, even when I was 15, thinking how lucky they were to be here.

What I can't stand most is the way they put some parliament-misfit people in. Public protested of the emptiness she had shown, the mistakes she did. Seriously, for me, although unfair, I don't have the littlest of good vibes about her. What to do? Politics is never fair, it's never good....