Yours isn't easy? Neither is mine, the same goes to everyone else's. There are times that I think life is unfair, that God is unfair, FML as what the facebookers love to write. There are times my life sucks to the very max that I think of taking a leapt out of my window.
I often have to remind myself that whenever I start to think that life is unfair, there are people who didn't even have a chance to say that. Their life always sucks! Why didn't you tell God, why is he blind while I can see this beautiful world so clear. Why are You so unfair, take my eyes for him. I often forget to be grateful for what I have, I promise to learn to cherish what I have today.
There are times when friends look at me and asked why am I so happy all the time? I am not, really, my life is not perfect, far from it even. I just learn to take things on its stride. Some will say that I am easily contented, so what? Can you say that you are happier than me by being so demanding all the time? I don't even say that I am happier than you, learn that people have different ways of dealing with their own life.
There are also times when people felt so jealous with me because of my exterior happy go lucky behavior. I can sense that they are cursing me to suffer the same fate as they are. I don't hide that I am happy, but do you see me when I am upset and disappointed? I, too feel the same pain. I, too have worries. It's just that I chose what I reveal to everyone else.
It isn't right that because you think that I came from wealthy family, my life is problem free. Heaven is where you will be problem free. There are times that I am lucky when I found a dollar on the street. Remember that there are times that I fell down on the street, twice in a day, for nothing. If seeing me in pain makes your life feel that better, that's too bad.