Where has 2010 gone? I haven't even gotten used to writing 2010 while jotting down dates and now I have to change to 2011. What have I done for 2010? Except enjoying my job, I haven't been doing anything else.
Wonder what else can I do for 2011? Well, there are certain achievements I wish I could fulfill next year, physically, monetarily and emotionally. Wish I can be more Mahatma, less selfish, lesser tantrum, etc etc.
Learned a lot this year from workplace, how to be a more likable being, most importantly.
Gotta sign off anyway, got company lunch to go, see you next year!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Have a happy wedding life, Cuzzie!
He's an oxen, same age as me, with similar characters like me. One who seemed to be so indifferent by anything. I was in the same primary school and in the same class with him for years, watched him fight with his sister, all with the hair pulling and the biting. Didn't realise that he's now a grown man, I stood there watching his eyes grew misty when he kissed his parents, thanking them for their love and care. As he came down the stage, he saw me, I was surprised that he shook my hand, gave me a big hug and kiss my cheeks. He was so grateful for us coming all the way down for his wedding. I felt so appreciated and touched.
Here's to eternal happiness, may you two bring happiness to each other and everyone else's too....
Here's to eternal happiness, may you two bring happiness to each other and everyone else's too....
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hey ho....
When was the last time this blog was updated? Can't even remember....
Have been busy with worklife, going back home for one of my BFF wedding which is also a joyful reunion for all of us. Met adorable new friends, made old friend an enemy who deleted me off her Facebook. Whatever, what I did to her was obviously and agreeably so worth it!
Oh oh and I got a wedding RSVP for next year September, too! Heee... Very happy for the couple. Everybody seems to be getting married, having kids, while my man is nowhere near, sometimes he's there, sometimes just like now, he vanished into thin air. So tired of God's game with us, but hey that means I have other options isn't it?
Tomorrow heading back home again for a cousin's wedding, so this time it's purely family reunion!! Can't wait!!
Pics are all in Facebook, been updating well since I got my iPhone4!!
Have been busy with worklife, going back home for one of my BFF wedding which is also a joyful reunion for all of us. Met adorable new friends, made old friend an enemy who deleted me off her Facebook. Whatever, what I did to her was obviously and agreeably so worth it!
Oh oh and I got a wedding RSVP for next year September, too! Heee... Very happy for the couple. Everybody seems to be getting married, having kids, while my man is nowhere near, sometimes he's there, sometimes just like now, he vanished into thin air. So tired of God's game with us, but hey that means I have other options isn't it?
Tomorrow heading back home again for a cousin's wedding, so this time it's purely family reunion!! Can't wait!!
Pics are all in Facebook, been updating well since I got my iPhone4!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Life isn't easy...
Yours isn't easy? Neither is mine, the same goes to everyone else's. There are times that I think life is unfair, that God is unfair, FML as what the facebookers love to write. There are times my life sucks to the very max that I think of taking a leapt out of my window.
I often have to remind myself that whenever I start to think that life is unfair, there are people who didn't even have a chance to say that. Their life always sucks! Why didn't you tell God, why is he blind while I can see this beautiful world so clear. Why are You so unfair, take my eyes for him. I often forget to be grateful for what I have, I promise to learn to cherish what I have today.
There are times when friends look at me and asked why am I so happy all the time? I am not, really, my life is not perfect, far from it even. I just learn to take things on its stride. Some will say that I am easily contented, so what? Can you say that you are happier than me by being so demanding all the time? I don't even say that I am happier than you, learn that people have different ways of dealing with their own life.
There are also times when people felt so jealous with me because of my exterior happy go lucky behavior. I can sense that they are cursing me to suffer the same fate as they are. I don't hide that I am happy, but do you see me when I am upset and disappointed? I, too feel the same pain. I, too have worries. It's just that I chose what I reveal to everyone else.
It isn't right that because you think that I came from wealthy family, my life is problem free. Heaven is where you will be problem free. There are times that I am lucky when I found a dollar on the street. Remember that there are times that I fell down on the street, twice in a day, for nothing. If seeing me in pain makes your life feel that better, that's too bad.
I often have to remind myself that whenever I start to think that life is unfair, there are people who didn't even have a chance to say that. Their life always sucks! Why didn't you tell God, why is he blind while I can see this beautiful world so clear. Why are You so unfair, take my eyes for him. I often forget to be grateful for what I have, I promise to learn to cherish what I have today.
There are times when friends look at me and asked why am I so happy all the time? I am not, really, my life is not perfect, far from it even. I just learn to take things on its stride. Some will say that I am easily contented, so what? Can you say that you are happier than me by being so demanding all the time? I don't even say that I am happier than you, learn that people have different ways of dealing with their own life.
There are also times when people felt so jealous with me because of my exterior happy go lucky behavior. I can sense that they are cursing me to suffer the same fate as they are. I don't hide that I am happy, but do you see me when I am upset and disappointed? I, too feel the same pain. I, too have worries. It's just that I chose what I reveal to everyone else.
It isn't right that because you think that I came from wealthy family, my life is problem free. Heaven is where you will be problem free. There are times that I am lucky when I found a dollar on the street. Remember that there are times that I fell down on the street, twice in a day, for nothing. If seeing me in pain makes your life feel that better, that's too bad.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Like a dream....
Yesternight I had a farewell dinner for a colleague whom I have come to work with closely, grown accustomed to his existence in office. Well, he's gone now, though of course the friendship remains, felt uneasy without him. Came into office floating around like it's a dream, don't know it's because of the booze last night or it's the numbed feeling. My brain was thinking about so many other things on the journey that the music from my phone seems like it was never there. Didn't hear a word or a tune from it.
When I came in, another colleague decided to leave, too, though I have known him for mere 2 months, it's salt added to my wound. I just broke down and teared, especially after reading one of their farewell email. I promised myself that I wouldn't grow so close with colleagues, but somehow we are just drawn to each other. Might take some time in getting used to everything again, maybe I will never, but we'll just see how it goes....
Blue blue Friday! Well, at least I got the weekend to mourn.
When I came in, another colleague decided to leave, too, though I have known him for mere 2 months, it's salt added to my wound. I just broke down and teared, especially after reading one of their farewell email. I promised myself that I wouldn't grow so close with colleagues, but somehow we are just drawn to each other. Might take some time in getting used to everything again, maybe I will never, but we'll just see how it goes....
Blue blue Friday! Well, at least I got the weekend to mourn.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Cotton and Lace has new products! Check it out~
Cotton and Lace Customised Pet Bed (Handmade)
Item is handmade from Indonesia - Jakarta.
Order will take minimum a month to reach Singapore.
Price: $110 each.
By default the size: Diameter 60 Cm, Thickness 20 Cm.
You can request for design, color, and letters you want for the bed.
Any questions, can give me a buzz~
Animal Edition

Sewn in design

Sports Edition

That is the original size

Cotton and Lace Customised Pet Bed (Handmade)
Item is handmade from Indonesia - Jakarta.
Order will take minimum a month to reach Singapore.
Price: $110 each.
By default the size: Diameter 60 Cm, Thickness 20 Cm.
You can request for design, color, and letters you want for the bed.

Sports Edition

Cotton and Lace Personalised Towel and Toy Box (Handmade)
How can I resist not to change my template. Blogger makes it so freaking easy and unlike before where I spent hours decoding the right thing, now I spent more time selecting the gorgeous background and layouts. Within clicks, Tadaaaaaaa!! AWESOMENESS!! Luckily I stuck by Blogger! Hehehehehhehehehe.......
Friday, September 10, 2010
When animals
is no longer animals in our heart, they behaved differently, looked differently, felt differently and treated differently. Probably it's just me, but I see a different shine in the eyes of the animals that comes into my life to become my pets. Recently after Rhino came to me, my cousin asked me why all of my pets looked cuter and different than the ones that she ever had. The question struck me too.
I believe when our pets are treated humanely, they behave differently. From all the furkids that I mixed with from all of my friends, I can tell that all of them are especially loved by their mommies and daddies, their eyes shine with adoration when they looked at their parents. When I see the dogs at the pet shops, yes they are undoubtedly cute as buttons, but their eyes has no shine, a lifeless look.
When these animals came into me, I make sure they are well fed, cleaned after, and I really mean CLEAN! I don't like animal smells, I don't care if my pets like it, I just know that I don't. It's unhealthy for us human, too. I believe when they come to me, I chose them, they don't come to me begging to be kept, but I brought them into my house and so it depends on me whether their life is happy or not.
My cousin, had the exact breed of hammy and she asked me why her hamster is so freaking ugly. I told her, well, you kept her in the corner of the house floor, her food is placed there until the next refill, you barely even look at her everyday, forgetting her existence even. When it's time to clean her, your maid just took out the bedding and refill it. Her cage smells, so does she, how can she be cute in your eyes? For you, she is just another animal.
I believe when our pets are treated humanely, they behave differently. From all the furkids that I mixed with from all of my friends, I can tell that all of them are especially loved by their mommies and daddies, their eyes shine with adoration when they looked at their parents. When I see the dogs at the pet shops, yes they are undoubtedly cute as buttons, but their eyes has no shine, a lifeless look.
When these animals came into me, I make sure they are well fed, cleaned after, and I really mean CLEAN! I don't like animal smells, I don't care if my pets like it, I just know that I don't. It's unhealthy for us human, too. I believe when they come to me, I chose them, they don't come to me begging to be kept, but I brought them into my house and so it depends on me whether their life is happy or not.
My cousin, had the exact breed of hammy and she asked me why her hamster is so freaking ugly. I told her, well, you kept her in the corner of the house floor, her food is placed there until the next refill, you barely even look at her everyday, forgetting her existence even. When it's time to clean her, your maid just took out the bedding and refill it. Her cage smells, so does she, how can she be cute in your eyes? For you, she is just another animal.
Sleeping soundly, he now trust me to not stirring even as I bug him in his sleep...
Honestly, I didn't know that hamster can be tamed, all I know that they bite. I don't know that they can lick, they respond to their name and willingly came up to your hand. The power of communication, bonding, touch and talking is amazing.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hard days of work, we finally made it in to the new office. Everybody is settling down, the mood is chirpy and joyful. Well, my colleagues and bosses are all pretty close to each other, more like brothers and sisters, so everyday is like a jungle in the office. I love them lots~
We can utter harmless jokes cruelly to each other, knowing that the other party knows it's a joke and won't get hurt. We are always ready to stand up for one another and when someone makes a mistake, the rest won't hesitate to let them know. Where else to find a workplace like this?
When we went for drinking and somebody becomes a Merlion, there will be someone by his/her side to take care of the aftermath, cleaning after them and make sure they reached home safely. Last night after a dinner celebration we went to a pub, after some high-ing, we went home after making sure those drunk ones are driven home. Surprised to see that a bunch of them texted me after I reached home to report safety. Hahaha... When I didn't reply their SMS, cos I was cleaning up for sleep, they called me to ensure I am safe home. I felt like I belong somewhere again, finally...
We can utter harmless jokes cruelly to each other, knowing that the other party knows it's a joke and won't get hurt. We are always ready to stand up for one another and when someone makes a mistake, the rest won't hesitate to let them know. Where else to find a workplace like this?
When we went for drinking and somebody becomes a Merlion, there will be someone by his/her side to take care of the aftermath, cleaning after them and make sure they reached home safely. Last night after a dinner celebration we went to a pub, after some high-ing, we went home after making sure those drunk ones are driven home. Surprised to see that a bunch of them texted me after I reached home to report safety. Hahaha... When I didn't reply their SMS, cos I was cleaning up for sleep, they called me to ensure I am safe home. I felt like I belong somewhere again, finally...
My second happy family
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Everything new....
New office, a merging of our 2 sales departments. Have been busy packing for this whole week, which is also a good time to rest my mind from working and all the stress. For us, the long weekend starts last Friday. So cool~
Our new office at iHub looks great, I like my new sitting place, with wall at my back, woot~ Super privacy!
Just wishing all the colleagues will get along well like we used to, especially my two lovely lady bosses. For them to work together at the same place, again! Everybody seems hyped about the moving in together, the excitement was evident, hope it will last longer.
Happy happy~
Our new office at iHub looks great, I like my new sitting place, with wall at my back, woot~ Super privacy!
Just wishing all the colleagues will get along well like we used to, especially my two lovely lady bosses. For them to work together at the same place, again! Everybody seems hyped about the moving in together, the excitement was evident, hope it will last longer.
Happy happy~
Friday, September 3, 2010
Cotton and Lace customised bed
Cotton and Lace Customised Pet Bed (Handmade)
Item is handmade from Indonesia - Jakarta.
Order will take minimum a month to reach Singapore.
Price: $110 each.
By default the size: Diameter 60 Cm, Thickness 20 Cm.
You can request for design, color, and letters you want for the bed.
Any questions, can give me a buzz~
Animal Edition
Sewn in design
Saturday, August 28, 2010
So, this is how it feels like...
Having to give up one's pet is not easy. Well, in the first place, hammyboy isn't mine, never was. He was just to stay over the long weekend and to be returned to Ade on Monday. But, he's just so cute and lovable that I actually dragged returning him longer. Ade actually didn't want him back and looking for someone to adopt him, he's actually under 'probation' with me.
The first week, everybody at home loved him, even BIL, so I thought he would have a chance. By the end of the week, BIL was complaining when am I going to return the boy home. I gave him endless reasons, dragging his stay longer. By now, he's 3 weeks with me. Watching him, knowing him, I know I'm in love. He's just so special, cute and lovely, I can't bear to let him go.
Understood BIL has always liked animals, but since April came into his life, her messes is a nightmare and he is ever since traumatized by whatever animals. He seriously wanted me to return hammyboy, so seeing him is a nightmare for me too. These past week, I dreaded seeing him, afraid he would ask about hammyboy again. I find that it's not right, for such little creature to bring so much anxiety for me, for BIL and even for Sis as BIL kept bugging Sis as well. He's supposed to be a blessing to someone's life, though he did bring happiness to me, but the anxiety is overwhelming. I just can't take it.
Sigh~ I just don't know what to do. I ask my close friends who might like him, but on the other hand, I really don't want to let him go. He's just so lovely and amusing.
This little boy is toilet trained (peeing only), he would go to the sand and pee. I bought clumping sand, and it's so easy to clean up.
He recognize my scent and would lick my finger and allow me to carry him. But, he will always almost immediately bit into Sis finger.
I always open the OVO cage to air it out, even if I leave it open overnight, he never jump out of the cage. LOL.
He will come out from his tissue packed house whenever I call his name.
If I hold him like this...
He will spit out the food from his pouch to wiggle free.. lol...
Such a handsome boy...
The first week, everybody at home loved him, even BIL, so I thought he would have a chance. By the end of the week, BIL was complaining when am I going to return the boy home. I gave him endless reasons, dragging his stay longer. By now, he's 3 weeks with me. Watching him, knowing him, I know I'm in love. He's just so special, cute and lovely, I can't bear to let him go.
Understood BIL has always liked animals, but since April came into his life, her messes is a nightmare and he is ever since traumatized by whatever animals. He seriously wanted me to return hammyboy, so seeing him is a nightmare for me too. These past week, I dreaded seeing him, afraid he would ask about hammyboy again. I find that it's not right, for such little creature to bring so much anxiety for me, for BIL and even for Sis as BIL kept bugging Sis as well. He's supposed to be a blessing to someone's life, though he did bring happiness to me, but the anxiety is overwhelming. I just can't take it.
Sigh~ I just don't know what to do. I ask my close friends who might like him, but on the other hand, I really don't want to let him go. He's just so lovely and amusing.
This little boy is toilet trained (peeing only), he would go to the sand and pee. I bought clumping sand, and it's so easy to clean up.
He recognize my scent and would lick my finger and allow me to carry him. But, he will always almost immediately bit into Sis finger.
I always open the OVO cage to air it out, even if I leave it open overnight, he never jump out of the cage. LOL.
He will come out from his tissue packed house whenever I call his name.
If I hold him like this...
He will spit out the food from his pouch to wiggle free.. lol...
Such a handsome boy...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Had a good day
Had a short meetup with the girls at USDB, quite a so so place, just that there's so many goodies to buy for the kiddos.The people are friendly and genuinely sincere, especially the Auntie, thought she would be all yayapapaya (woops~). Across the place is a pet shop, oh man, I have to restrain myself from buying more and more and more. This month I have been spending like there's no tomorrow, especially with the new hammy boy, I have to retrain myself next month, I MUST!!
LOL, anyway, good to see the usual girls, been missing out on a lot of updates, and haven't been seeing the kiddos for the longest time ever. Phew, glad to be out~ Come out and play again, soon!
LOL, anyway, good to see the usual girls, been missing out on a lot of updates, and haven't been seeing the kiddos for the longest time ever. Phew, glad to be out~ Come out and play again, soon!
Friday, August 20, 2010
First time ever
1.48 a.m.
Sober and very very alert, I am back home from Silk Club, Orchard Hotel. It's a very dear colleague's birthday, I dressed down, decided just to chill. Indeed I did, didn't even drink a drop. The song was unbelievably ancient, the same songs I heard when I was clubbing when I was 19. Gotten me to reminisce, except that now I don't have the confidence, the energy, much less the figure to dance on the bar top.
Phew, good to be back home with baby April by my side though....
Sober and very very alert, I am back home from Silk Club, Orchard Hotel. It's a very dear colleague's birthday, I dressed down, decided just to chill. Indeed I did, didn't even drink a drop. The song was unbelievably ancient, the same songs I heard when I was clubbing when I was 19. Gotten me to reminisce, except that now I don't have the confidence, the energy, much less the figure to dance on the bar top.
Phew, good to be back home with baby April by my side though....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Erica Goldson, a refreshing Valedictorian speech; honest and humble yet so incredibly powerful.
Here I stand
There is a story of a young, but earnest Zen student who approached his teacher, and asked the Master, "If I work very hard and diligently, how long will it take for me to find Zen? The Master thought about this, then replied, "Ten years." The student then said, "But what if I work very, very hard and really apply myself to learn fast – How long then?" Replied the Master, "Well, twenty years." "But, if I really, really work at it, how long then?" asked the student. "Thirty years," replied the Master. "But, I do not understand," said the disappointed student. "At each time that I say I will work harder, you say it will take me longer. Why do you say that?" Replied the Master, "When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path."
This is the dilemma I've faced within the American education system. We are so focused on a goal, whether it be passing a test, or graduating as first in the class. However, in this way, we do not really learn. We do whatever it takes to achieve our original objective.
Some of you may be thinking, "Well, if you pass a test, or become valedictorian, didn't you learn something? Well, yes, you learned something, but not all that you could have. Perhaps, you only learned how to memorize names, places, and dates to later on forget in order to clear your mind for the next test. School is not all that it can be. Right now, it is a place for most people to determine that their goal is to get out as soon as possible.
I am now accomplishing that goal. I am graduating. I should look at this as a positive experience, especially being at the top of my class. However, in retrospect, I cannot say that I am any more intelligent than my peers. I can attest that I am only the best at doing what I am told and working the system. Yet, here I stand, and I am supposed to be proud that I have completed this period of indoctrination. I will leave in the fall to go on to the next phase expected of me, in order to receive a paper document that certifies that I am capable of work. But I contend that I am a human being, a thinker, an adventurer – not a worker. A worker is someone who is trapped within repetition – a slave of the system set up before him. But now, I have successfully shown that I was the best slave. I did what I was told to the extreme. While others sat in class and doodled to later become great artists, I sat in class to take notes and become a great test-taker. While others would come to class without their homework done because they were reading about an interest of theirs, I never missed an assignment. While others were creating music and writing lyrics, I decided to do extra credit, even though I never needed it. So, I wonder, why did I even want this position? Sure, I earned it, but what will come of it? When I leave educational institutionalism, will I be successful or forever lost? I have no clue about what I want to do with my life; I have no interests because I saw every subject of study as work, and I excelled at every subject just for the purpose of excelling, not learning. And quite frankly, now I'm scared.
John Taylor Gatto, a retired school teacher and activist critical of compulsory schooling, asserts, "We could encourage the best qualities of youthfulness – curiosity, adventure, resilience, the capacity for surprising insight simply by being more flexible about time, texts, and tests, by introducing kids into truly competent adults, and by giving each student what autonomy he or she needs in order to take a risk every now and then. But we don't do that." Between these cinderblock walls, we are all expected to be the same. We are trained to ace every standardized test, and those who deviate and see light through a different lens are worthless to the scheme of public education, and therefore viewed with contempt.
H. L. Mencken wrote in The American Mercury for April 1924 that the aim of public education is not "to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. ... Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim ... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States."
To illustrate this idea, doesn't it perturb you to learn about the idea of "critical thinking?" Is there really such a thing as "uncritically thinking?" To think is to process information in order to form an opinion. But if we are not critical when processing this information, are we really thinking? Or are we mindlessly accepting other opinions as truth?
This was happening to me, and if it wasn't for the rare occurrence of an avant-garde tenth grade English teacher, Donna Bryan, who allowed me to open my mind and ask questions before accepting textbook doctrine, I would have been doomed. I am now enlightened, but my mind still feels disabled. I must retrain myself and constantly remember how insane this ostensibly sane place really is.
And now here I am in a world guided by fear, a world suppressing the uniqueness that lies inside each of us, a world where we can either acquiesce to the inhuman nonsense of corporatism and materialism or insist on change. We are not enlivened by an educational system that clandestinely sets us up for jobs that could be automated, for work that need not be done, for enslavement without fervency for meaningful achievement. We have no choices in life when money is our motivational force. Our motivational force ought to be passion, but this is lost from the moment we step into a system that trains us, rather than inspires us.
We are more than robotic bookshelves, conditioned to blurt out facts we were taught in school. We are all very special, every human on this planet is so special, so aren't we all deserving of something better, of using our minds for innovation, rather than memorization, for creativity, rather than futile activity, for rumination rather than stagnation? We are not here to get a degree, to then get a job, so we can consume industry-approved placation after placation. There is more, and more still.
The saddest part is that the majority of students don't have the opportunity to reflect as I did. The majority of students are put through the same brainwashing techniques in order to create a complacent labor force working in the interests of large corporations and secretive government, and worst of all, they are completely unaware of it. I will never be able to turn back these 18 years. I can't run away to another country with an education system meant to enlighten rather than condition. This part of my life is over, and I want to make sure that no other child will have his or her potential suppressed by powers meant to exploit and control. We are human beings. We are thinkers, dreamers, explorers, artists, writers, engineers. We are anything we want to be – but only if we have an educational system that supports us rather than holds us down. A tree can grow, but only if its roots are given a healthy foundation.
For those of you out there that must continue to sit in desks and yield to the authoritarian ideologies of instructors, do not be disheartened. You still have the opportunity to stand up, ask questions, be critical, and create your own perspective. Demand a setting that will provide you with intellectual capabilities that allow you to expand your mind instead of directing it. Demand that you be interested in class. Demand that the excuse, "You have to learn this for the test" is not good enough for you. Education is an excellent tool, if used properly, but focus more on learning rather than getting good grades.
For those of you that work within the system that I am condemning, I do not mean to insult; I intend to motivate. You have the power to change the incompetencies of this system. I know that you did not become a teacher or administrator to see your students bored. You cannot accept the authority of the governing bodies that tell you what to teach, how to teach it, and that you will be punished if you do not comply. Our potential is at stake.
For those of you that are now leaving this establishment, I say, do not forget what went on in these classrooms. Do not abandon those that come after you. We are the new future and we are not going to let tradition stand. We will break down the walls of corruption to let a garden of knowledge grow throughout America. Once educated properly, we will have the power to do anything, and best of all, we will only use that power for good, for we will be cultivated and wise. We will not accept anything at face value. We will ask questions, and we will demand truth.
So, here I stand. I am not standing here as valedictorian by myself. I was molded by my environment, by all of my peers who are sitting here watching me. I couldn't have accomplished this without all of you. It was all of you who truly made me the person I am today. It was all of you who were my competition, yet my backbone. In that way, we are all valedictorians.
I am now supposed to say farewell to this institution, those who maintain it, and those who stand with me and behind me, but I hope this farewell is more of a "see you later" when we are all working together to rear a pedagogic movement. But first, let's go get those pieces of paper that tell us that we're smart enough to do so!
Reprinted from Signs of the Times.
Here I stand
There is a story of a young, but earnest Zen student who approached his teacher, and asked the Master, "If I work very hard and diligently, how long will it take for me to find Zen? The Master thought about this, then replied, "Ten years." The student then said, "But what if I work very, very hard and really apply myself to learn fast – How long then?" Replied the Master, "Well, twenty years." "But, if I really, really work at it, how long then?" asked the student. "Thirty years," replied the Master. "But, I do not understand," said the disappointed student. "At each time that I say I will work harder, you say it will take me longer. Why do you say that?" Replied the Master, "When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path."
This is the dilemma I've faced within the American education system. We are so focused on a goal, whether it be passing a test, or graduating as first in the class. However, in this way, we do not really learn. We do whatever it takes to achieve our original objective.
Some of you may be thinking, "Well, if you pass a test, or become valedictorian, didn't you learn something? Well, yes, you learned something, but not all that you could have. Perhaps, you only learned how to memorize names, places, and dates to later on forget in order to clear your mind for the next test. School is not all that it can be. Right now, it is a place for most people to determine that their goal is to get out as soon as possible.
John Taylor Gatto, a retired school teacher and activist critical of compulsory schooling, asserts, "We could encourage the best qualities of youthfulness – curiosity, adventure, resilience, the capacity for surprising insight simply by being more flexible about time, texts, and tests, by introducing kids into truly competent adults, and by giving each student what autonomy he or she needs in order to take a risk every now and then. But we don't do that." Between these cinderblock walls, we are all expected to be the same. We are trained to ace every standardized test, and those who deviate and see light through a different lens are worthless to the scheme of public education, and therefore viewed with contempt.
To illustrate this idea, doesn't it perturb you to learn about the idea of "critical thinking?" Is there really such a thing as "uncritically thinking?" To think is to process information in order to form an opinion. But if we are not critical when processing this information, are we really thinking? Or are we mindlessly accepting other opinions as truth?
This was happening to me, and if it wasn't for the rare occurrence of an avant-garde tenth grade English teacher, Donna Bryan, who allowed me to open my mind and ask questions before accepting textbook doctrine, I would have been doomed. I am now enlightened, but my mind still feels disabled. I must retrain myself and constantly remember how insane this ostensibly sane place really is.
And now here I am in a world guided by fear, a world suppressing the uniqueness that lies inside each of us, a world where we can either acquiesce to the inhuman nonsense of corporatism and materialism or insist on change. We are not enlivened by an educational system that clandestinely sets us up for jobs that could be automated, for work that need not be done, for enslavement without fervency for meaningful achievement. We have no choices in life when money is our motivational force. Our motivational force ought to be passion, but this is lost from the moment we step into a system that trains us, rather than inspires us.
We are more than robotic bookshelves, conditioned to blurt out facts we were taught in school. We are all very special, every human on this planet is so special, so aren't we all deserving of something better, of using our minds for innovation, rather than memorization, for creativity, rather than futile activity, for rumination rather than stagnation? We are not here to get a degree, to then get a job, so we can consume industry-approved placation after placation. There is more, and more still.
For those of you out there that must continue to sit in desks and yield to the authoritarian ideologies of instructors, do not be disheartened. You still have the opportunity to stand up, ask questions, be critical, and create your own perspective. Demand a setting that will provide you with intellectual capabilities that allow you to expand your mind instead of directing it. Demand that you be interested in class. Demand that the excuse, "You have to learn this for the test" is not good enough for you. Education is an excellent tool, if used properly, but focus more on learning rather than getting good grades.
For those of you that are now leaving this establishment, I say, do not forget what went on in these classrooms. Do not abandon those that come after you. We are the new future and we are not going to let tradition stand. We will break down the walls of corruption to let a garden of knowledge grow throughout America. Once educated properly, we will have the power to do anything, and best of all, we will only use that power for good, for we will be cultivated and wise. We will not accept anything at face value. We will ask questions, and we will demand truth.
So, here I stand. I am not standing here as valedictorian by myself. I was molded by my environment, by all of my peers who are sitting here watching me. I couldn't have accomplished this without all of you. It was all of you who truly made me the person I am today. It was all of you who were my competition, yet my backbone. In that way, we are all valedictorians.
I am now supposed to say farewell to this institution, those who maintain it, and those who stand with me and behind me, but I hope this farewell is more of a "see you later" when we are all working together to rear a pedagogic movement. But first, let's go get those pieces of paper that tell us that we're smart enough to do so!
Reprinted from Signs of the Times.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Petopia Day
Has been thinking to visit this place since day 1 it opened at Yio Chu Kang. Excited that today I finally got the time to book a grooming session for April. One glance through, super happy that it's clean and smell damn good. Seriously, I hate doggie smells. Then, a smell did came through, April poo-ed (urghh~), which Marcus voluntarily cleaned it up for me. Anyway, a tour around got me craving for a micro-bubble spa session and clay spa thingy also sounds delicious.
Thought to wait around for April to finish, but in the end decided to show up at the 7 month prayer at Head Office, it's in the East, Oh My God~ Somehow, felt at ease to leave April there anyway. After grooming, put her at the boarding for 1.5 hours. Thought she will be trembling like she usually did after grooming, but when I picked her up, she was excitedly happy yet seemed to be at ease. A good sign that something has been done right over here.
Angie groomed April and although there are rooms for improvement, not too shabby. I like how she notices things that I didn't. She said April is okay, while I assume she's toning it down, April is traumatizing, I know!
Thought to wait around for April to finish, but in the end decided to show up at the 7 month prayer at Head Office, it's in the East, Oh My God~ Somehow, felt at ease to leave April there anyway. After grooming, put her at the boarding for 1.5 hours. Thought she will be trembling like she usually did after grooming, but when I picked her up, she was excitedly happy yet seemed to be at ease. A good sign that something has been done right over here.
Angie groomed April and although there are rooms for improvement, not too shabby. I like how she notices things that I didn't. She said April is okay, while I assume she's toning it down, April is traumatizing, I know!
Current hobby, watching Hammy Boy~
Cutie Hammy Boy, sleeping~
Friday, August 13, 2010
Feeding addiction
New cage, sponsored by Missy Boss. I told her the little hammy boy is still under probation, to keep him or not is up to the house owner, BIL. So fast, she got him a cage already and handed it to me. How can I not keep hammyboy? Sighh...
Where else you find a boss that feeds on your addiction?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy with my new toy
Hammy boyyyyy...... lol...
Do you know?
Heee.... still learning a lot about him. Later peeps!
Do you know?
- Hamboy is pretty active at twilight, he spent the rest of the hours sleeping....
- He will lick at my finger, nibble nibble and if I don't take away my finger, I'm pretty sure he will bit into it
- If I put tissues all around the cage, he will move it into a bundle at one corner the next morning.
- He move tissues around by putting them inside his pouch first. super cuteeeeeeee
- He is cranky when you wake him up from his sleep
- A bath sand actually works in cleaning and make his smell dissappear
Heee.... still learning a lot about him. Later peeps!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Deep deep inside...
It has been a couple of rough weeks, people passed on, furkids passed on, somehow I noticed mournful notice these past weeks. My condolences, time may not heal every wound, but it will get better, memories stay on to be remembered.
Realised that life is short, never know when it's going to end. I braved myself to ask someone very important in my life to come over for a visit to Singapore. He agreed, though not too sure when. I find myself thinking what am I looking for in his coming here, or rather what am I hoping for? 7 years isn't enough for me to let him go, will I be able to if I meet him one last time. A closure? I feared, what if our meeting ended up with me holding on still to the newest memories and carry it with me for the rest of my life.
Realised that life is short, never know when it's going to end. I braved myself to ask someone very important in my life to come over for a visit to Singapore. He agreed, though not too sure when. I find myself thinking what am I looking for in his coming here, or rather what am I hoping for? 7 years isn't enough for me to let him go, will I be able to if I meet him one last time. A closure? I feared, what if our meeting ended up with me holding on still to the newest memories and carry it with me for the rest of my life.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Something came into my mind as I watched Salt in the cinema.
What is the strongest thing in the world? No diamond, no money can match up to it if it ever surfaces.
Simply LOVE~
Blinded by it, crazed by it.
Well, at least in THAT movie. She took no second glance as she killed another human being, she winced not when she got shot, she showed no hesitation to jump off from high places, but she shed tear (almost, but it's good enough) as her husband was killed.
How powerful LOVE is, you can't see it, but you can feel it. One reason why people around the world do numerous, unthinkable, unreasonable stupid things for. How ironic that LOVE and its greatest enemy, HATE is just one needle point away. When LOVE is gone, then that's it.
What is the strongest thing in the world? No diamond, no money can match up to it if it ever surfaces.
Simply LOVE~
Blinded by it, crazed by it.
Well, at least in THAT movie. She took no second glance as she killed another human being, she winced not when she got shot, she showed no hesitation to jump off from high places, but she shed tear (almost, but it's good enough) as her husband was killed.
How powerful LOVE is, you can't see it, but you can feel it. One reason why people around the world do numerous, unthinkable, unreasonable stupid things for. How ironic that LOVE and its greatest enemy, HATE is just one needle point away. When LOVE is gone, then that's it.

Borrowed Ade's hammy boy for the weekend, so cuteeeeee......
Makes me wanna have one, too, but it seemed to be so small and fragile. I kinda have a phobia towards hamsters, cos one bit me a decade ago, but this little boy licked my hand the moment I saw him. So awww... At twilight, I can hear him playing on his wheel, hee..
Don't understand much about hammies, kinda scary to keep him, haha....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A reminder
~Sometimes,...when somebody's worth it, you just have to put yourself out there~
A lesson learnt today, as I watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid. A kiddy show, but it's me taking a break from watching too much IP Man. So I did something outrageously bold as soon as five minutes ago. For whatever it's worth, wish me luck, friends...
A lesson learnt today, as I watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid. A kiddy show, but it's me taking a break from watching too much IP Man. So I did something outrageously bold as soon as five minutes ago. For whatever it's worth, wish me luck, friends...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Liang Jing Ru 接受
Liang Jing Ru 接受
作词:阿管 作曲:林毅心 编曲:Mool/Yugi
仿佛上一分钟 你还陪在我左右 还以为我们会开花结果
我还记得玫瑰色天空 却模糊了我们的脸孔 哼过的歌到底是什么内容
*仿佛已经自由 下一刻我变成风 吹过你的领空 差点失控
回忆在夜里闹得很凶 我想我可以明白你所有的痛
想让你知道我懂 却担心言不由衷
#我们都接受 一定是彼此不够成熟 在爱情里分不了轻重
诚实得过了头 不能退后也无法向前走
爱是一个自私的念头 把寂寞消除的理由
剩下的那些感动 能记得多久
Repeat *,#
仿佛上一分钟 你还陪在我左右 还以为我们会开花结果
我还记得玫瑰色天空 却模糊了我们的脸孔 哼过的歌到底是什么内容
*仿佛已经自由 下一刻我变成风 吹过你的领空 差点失控
回忆在夜里闹得很凶 我想我可以明白你所有的痛
想让你知道我懂 却担心言不由衷
#我们都接受 一定是彼此不够成熟 在爱情里分不了轻重
诚实得过了头 不能退后也无法向前走
爱是一个自私的念头 把寂寞消除的理由
剩下的那些感动 能记得多久
Repeat *,#
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What's up, World?? Seems like ages since I stepped in here. Life has been hectic, especially with the new job scope, I am overwhelmed!
Anyway, Sis found a Red-Eared slider on the street recently. It was dirty, deformed and almost got crushed by a truck on the roadside. She brought him home, and of course, Sis gave him a second chance of life, but whether his life continues, it depends on me. His shell is no longer green, but almost white, has cracks, the sides of his shell is upturned as if he has been kept in a tight place, that the shell has nowhere to grow.
At first, he was very timid, now he's like a wild hog, eats non stop and would eat food from our hand. Ever since he came, I have never seen him drying himself and always spend his time underwater.
The rest of the fishy, Bieber love chasing them as well, trying to eat them obviously.
Sometimes though when I looked at Bieber, I wonder if he is pissed, he always looked so pissed anyway. He was a free guy afterall, despite being almost crushed by a truck. Well, if he died then, it would be the end. Now, we brought him home, confined him, can he think, I wonder? Will he choose to live an uncertain life outside?
Anyway, Sis found a Red-Eared slider on the street recently. It was dirty, deformed and almost got crushed by a truck on the roadside. She brought him home, and of course, Sis gave him a second chance of life, but whether his life continues, it depends on me. His shell is no longer green, but almost white, has cracks, the sides of his shell is upturned as if he has been kept in a tight place, that the shell has nowhere to grow.
At first, he was very timid, now he's like a wild hog, eats non stop and would eat food from our hand. Ever since he came, I have never seen him drying himself and always spend his time underwater.
First Day home~
Name: Bieber
Age: Unknown
Gender: I'd like him to be a male
Second Day home, got him settled in, detoxed and brushed him GOOD!
This is our Junior, the cutest thing ever~
While at it, meet the rest of the community. Spot Crabby~
Crabby love Junior and has no problem living together despite being different.
But Crabby hates Bieber, both of them love chasing each other around.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A reflection
Been spending time with a 15 year old cousin recently and she reminds me of myself, the 10 years ago myself. While she is now reading a lot of Cleo, Bazaar and all the similar jazz, I wasn't that much into fashion even until now. She knew awful lot, from OPI to Zara even to Louboutin, it never cease to amaze me how knowledgeable she is in this area. I have to admit I have zero to minimal interest in this area, my Sis is a fashion designer, she handle most of my wardrobe. When I had fashion disaster days, don't blame her though, it is I who just couldn't be bothered.
Realised that I have never changed what I loved, I remembered I was busy collecting animals related magazines. I loved all sorts of animals in general, all I watched was Animal Planet. I wasn't that particularly into dogs, that wasn't until my baby April came along. I wasn't even that fantastically in love with my first dog, Zelene.
This is the one that I was chasing after, I think it's published every week in Popular. Each publication cost $4.50, 10 years ago that amount was very hard to come by from my own pocket money okay, and it consist of less than 20 pages worth of readings. It is now collecting mites (really, I saw them moving around) and Sis has always insisted on throwing it away. To keep it safe from the bin, I kept it in my room now.
See, my priceless collection... 10 years later, my interest hasn't changed.
Realised that I have never changed what I loved, I remembered I was busy collecting animals related magazines. I loved all sorts of animals in general, all I watched was Animal Planet. I wasn't that particularly into dogs, that wasn't until my baby April came along. I wasn't even that fantastically in love with my first dog, Zelene.
This is the one that I was chasing after, I think it's published every week in Popular. Each publication cost $4.50, 10 years ago that amount was very hard to come by from my own pocket money okay, and it consist of less than 20 pages worth of readings. It is now collecting mites (really, I saw them moving around) and Sis has always insisted on throwing it away. To keep it safe from the bin, I kept it in my room now.
See, my priceless collection... 10 years later, my interest hasn't changed.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Been watching lots and lots of movies lately or in some cases, rewatched, but still loving it.
Some of the worth mentionable ones:
Some of the worth mentionable ones:
The Blind Side
My Name is Khan
Bolt... heh~
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Happy Vesak day everyone! Wishing all of you to be a better child of God..
What's going on with my life so far?
On 25th May, I reached the exact 1 year of working life in Singapore, with great bosses and wonderful colleagues, believe it or not, I haven't had a blue day. I love the place I am in. Well, it kept me busy, even Sherina is starting to grow apart from me, because sometimes I wouldn't see her for the whole entire week. When I reached home, she is already asleep. Within the days I didn't see her, she is learning a whole lot of other cute stuffs.
Baby girl? She has kept herself occupied playing with the kids at home, doing her own lazying around. I only have time for her on the weekend, which I spent 24 hours with her, wherever I go.
Hmm... Gotta go bathe the babe. See ya guys around~
What's going on with my life so far?
On 25th May, I reached the exact 1 year of working life in Singapore, with great bosses and wonderful colleagues, believe it or not, I haven't had a blue day. I love the place I am in. Well, it kept me busy, even Sherina is starting to grow apart from me, because sometimes I wouldn't see her for the whole entire week. When I reached home, she is already asleep. Within the days I didn't see her, she is learning a whole lot of other cute stuffs.
Baby girl? She has kept herself occupied playing with the kids at home, doing her own lazying around. I only have time for her on the weekend, which I spent 24 hours with her, wherever I go.
Hmm... Gotta go bathe the babe. See ya guys around~
Monday, May 10, 2010
Blue day...
Felt so blue today, upon reaching home to find that Mom is not here. The house is quiet once again, need to adjust again, hate the feeling so much. With Mom here, I have been busy catching up with her. So fast, she has been here for a month and none of us realised it. Everyone got a touch of her warmth, so it felt like something is missing. Poor Mom, she has to juggle 2 countries, luckily Bro is 7 hours away and she hates long flights.
Ahhh... hate this feeling!
Ahhh... hate this feeling!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bagzzzzzzzzzz - Batch 5
PICS Have been sent down today, albeit a little late, because we are waiting for 2 more pics that have been developed wrongly.
Will let everyone know when the bags have arrived.
Thanks.Next batch of bag will depart from Singapore on the
15th April 2010
The bag will arrive probably end of May or early June!
So, mark your dates and get your favourite pictures ready!
You are pleasantly welcome to share about us
***You can order anytime if you have your own party of 5 orders***

Let me know if you are interested, so I can book a slot for you!
Otherwise I might close the order anytime after I reach 5 orders.
Otherwise I might close the order anytime after I reach 5 orders.
Order lists
(to send non-returnable 5R hardcopy picture and $60 to my DBS a/c upon confirmation):
(to send non-returnable 5R hardcopy picture and $60 to my DBS a/c upon confirmation):
The owner of the bag shop is my cousin and he just started the business a few months ago.
For 1 bag, he gave me $70, but if we have more than 5 pieces, we can get each for $60,
except for the new design.
As such, I put a mark on 5 pieces before I will carry out the order.
Note from me:
I am just helping you guys and my cousin to order because I think the bag is really sweet, I earned $0 from your transactions, so don't KPKB to me when you find nicer bag, cheaper price, etc etc. If I hear it from you, I will not return your $ and you will receive no bag!! (I am dead serious!) So, please appreciate my effort. Do your job as a buyer and do the necessary homework before you commit in making an order. And also there is no postage costs as we usually have relatives coming in and out of Singapore, so we can ask them to bring in for Free!
Terms & Conditions:
1. You cannot choose the color of the bag as it will be put as close to the background of the picture otherwise it will not be nice.
2. No payment, no order.
Give me a shout on my chatbox or comment on this post, or those who knows me personally (you know where you can find me (^-*) ).1. You cannot choose the color of the bag as it will be put as close to the background of the picture otherwise it will not be nice.
2. No payment, no order.
3. A good resolution HARD COPY LANDSCAPE mode picture of your babe is needed!!
4. The picture is printed on both sides of the bag.Picture sample
The picture developed must not have any defects.
Image resolution of 600X800 (300 dpi), 4R-5R size will be good.
Of course, you might want to give me the best quality of picture you can get.
I will screen the pictures myself,
I will reject pics that I think will not be good enough
The picture developed must not have any defects.
Image resolution of 600X800 (300 dpi), 4R-5R size will be good.
Of course, you might want to give me the best quality of picture you can get.
I will screen the pictures myself,
I will reject pics that I think will not be good enough
Pictures Added~
7 Bags design to choose from (April's bag is Design 2)
Design: Old Design 1 - 7
By the way, here are the new bag designs. Please note that these are S$70 designs.
Design: NEW1
Design: NEW2 *Best Seller*
Design: NEW3
New 2010 Design
Design: Side Pleated
Design: Square Bell
Design: Round Bell
Design: Side Cross
Design: Side Decor
Design: New Small
Design: Speedy
Looks like a small travel bag.
Design: Wallet with Metal Clasp
Note: Minimum order and Price to be advised
(Please first inform me if you interested)
Design: Wallet with Zip
Note: Minimum order and Price to be advised(Please first inform me if you interested)
Design: Phone Pouch (3 layers/ 2 layers)
Note: Minimum order and Price to be advised
(Please first inform me if you interested)
All other batches and Info: http://hearwhatiwrite.blogspot.com/search/label/Bag
-------- Next tentative dates: To be Advised--------
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