18/10/09 - Pictures with payments that I have received will go according to plan, shipped to the shop in 2 days time. Those who cannot make it for the 20th, can still send me orders before 5th November, but I cannot guarantee you will be able to receive it on the 17th November in Singapore. Thank you!
22/09/09 - Please note the change of order date to 20th October! Apparently, there isn't enough time if we bring the pictures for printing on 5th.
You can view bag-related stuff from the links at the right ==> under the about me section. Thanks!
19/09/09 - Some people asked why don't I create a new blog for these bag orders.
1. I am simply lazy to create another blog
2. I don't intend to do this for my whole life, I will get bored at some point, which might be very soon 3. See reason 1
18/09/09 - Please leave your name so I can book a slot for you. Just to estimate the number of orders. Your name will automatically be canceled if there's no news from you, though.
Basically, these are the steps: add my MSN: barbiean@hotmail.com for easier communication.
1. Send me HARD COPY, LANDSCAPE 5R picture to my HOME address.
2. Write your name and the desired bag design on the back of your picture.
3. After I receive the pic, I will inform you. Then, send $$ to my bank a/c. Don't forget to inform me.
4. Tada, the end. Wait for your bag to arrive. Thank you.
Next batch of bag order will be on 20th October.
Then, bags will be ready for collection in Singapore by 17th November (I will be home for the long weekend). I know it's 2 months from now, but take it or leave it, otherwise please add $10 for individual orders and another $10 for airmail to your house.
After the first batch, I know handling these orders are not as easy as I thought. Nevertheless, it has been a great experience and thank you for the gentle 5 orders, you guys have been very much understanding.
Note to JC (jackass cousin): I want my great big dinner! and I also want a free 2nd bag. Muahahahahah...
You know guys, he is actually reading this blog all the while, but he never made any comments, bullying me into doing all the hard work.
So, please get payment and hard copy pictures ready before 20th of October.
By the way, here are the new bag designs. Please note that these are
S$70 designs.
Design: NEW1
Design: NEW2
Design: NEW3
Bookmark this page, as all updates for batch 2 will be done on this page.